Most people have no idea why they do Martial Arts

Why  Train? Most people have no idea what’s involved in training or even if they do train why on earth they are training for martial arts. Most of us fall into it and then find we like it, its not just exercise or even fighting, and it is certainly not macho being thrown on your backside … Continue reading Most people have no idea why they do Martial Arts

The truth about Martial Arts, is it good for Vicars?

Martial arts classes aren't going to make you indestructible, invincible or able to defeat all comers. Whilst they may make you more aware and more capable in terms of defending yourself. They are are not the panacea to all ills. I remember being taught Aikido in a London dojo, where the Sensei (teacher) taking the class … Continue reading The truth about Martial Arts, is it good for Vicars?